Top 10 things you can do right now to survive COVID-19

A wave of panic has been building for some time now with COVID-19, and with good reason. However, we have to remember the importance of nurturing a positive attitude in such negative times.

As an expert in human potential, I want to share with you my “Survival Guide 101” that helps me keep my head high in the turmoil of the coming weeks:

  • Keep a gratitude journal in which you will write 5 things you are thankful for every day. Even in difficult times, focusing on the good in your life will help you put things into perspective.
  • Limit the time you watch the news! It is important to be informed of the situation as it evolves, but don’t make a fuss about it. Limit the amount of time you spend on social networks and in front of the television each day.
  • Watch your thoughts and your mental hamster! It’s easy to make all sorts of theories and negative scenarios! Stay connected to the present moment! Tomorrow is another day. Yesterday is gone.
  • Take advantage of this imposed isolation to reach in yourself and do everything you never have time to do. Read a good book, take a long bath, enjoy a walk in nature and spend time with your family.
  • Write down your feelings in a journal. Writing is a fantastic way to externalize our emotions.
  • Start each day with a clear intention. Program your brain to look for the positive side of things. Your intention could be: “Today I will open myself to all the splendor of life and what it has to offer. I will focus my attention on what is going well and cultivate gratitude throughout my day”.
  • Avoid frequent calls to your family and friends to discuss the latest news! This negatively spent energy can affect your mental and physical health!
  • Write one message a day (or more) to someone you like. Your messages might start with: “In these difficult times, I want to tell you how much you mean to me…”
  • Take the time to meditate and center yourself! Practice mindfulness! This is the perfect time to integrate these practices into your life.
  • Take advantage of this moment to do some introspection and learn about yourself. Subscribe to podcasts, take online courses and invest in yourself! Now is the time to “rise” in love with yourself!

Remember that the best proof of love lies in the ordeal.

Take good care of yourself,


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